Saturday, November 1, 2008

Who Is This Woman?

Many of you are visiting this site to figure out who I am. Well I am sure you have met my Democratic opponent already at Colucci's, but because I work full time as a research assisstant at IDEXX Labortatories I have not had the pleasure of meeting many of you. Here is a glance at who I am. I am a 5th generation Mainer and I come from a long line of Lobstermen. Having grown up on the coast of Maine my love for the eternal sea inspired me to study Marine Science at the University of Maine in Orono where I recieved my bachelor's degree. As an environmental activist and volunteer with the Sierra Club Maine Chapter, I have worked to help pass LD 2019 that provided the funding for railway revitalization from Brunswick to Portland. I fought to save Moosehead Lake from being developed by Plum Creek and advocated to allow Maine citizens to come up with their own comprehensive plan for the North Woods. I also helped to convince PACTS (Portland Area Comprehensive Transportation System) to eliminate widening I-295 from their list of earmark priorities and to shift them to alternative transportation projects. I served on the Environmental Priorities Coalition which brings environmental organizations together to support state legislation that protects and restores our Maine environment, and worked with Maine People's Alliance on public outreach for Universal Single-Payer Healh Care.

I am the candidate with the most concrete ideas for change. My health care plan is the most concrete and progressive plan for universal coverege. My democratic opponent hasn't taken the time to understand Universal Single-Payer Health Care and says she dosn't support it, yet says healh care is a top priority of hers. I also have an idea for a bill that will create a basic energy code for rental units. Here are more of my ideas: Create a "bottle like" deposit on CFLs to prevent more mercury from entering our waste stream, change the gas tax formula to tax the dollar amount and not the gallon so we have a more sustainable source of funds for highway maintainence and alternative transportation, finally collect much needed royalties from Poland Spring that makes a profit off of our natural resource, and repeal tax breaks to the wealthy and wealthy corporations that can afford to help balance our budget and pay for programs that are critical to Maine people. Above all, I will not cut programs to our disabled, mentally ill, elderly and our children. I will continue to stand up for Maine's low and middle income people.

I am the only candidate that is raising the issue of poverty, has a true health care plan and has experience in energy policy. As a Green Gndependent, I am accountable to you and my conscience alone, not to any major party. I have been endorsed by members of the City Council: John Anton, Dave Marshall, and Kevin Donoghue, The Sierra Club Maine Chapter and by the Maine AFL-CIO. I hope you will consider voting for me on November 4th. Thank you all for your support and inspiration.